Coretan GrenXParta pada sebuah web sekaligus aplikasi pada iOS

GrenXParta kembali melakukan peretasan terhadap web sekaligus aplikasi pada iOS, yaitu MILQ.
Selain itu, GrenXParta pun berhasil menaklukan akun facebook dari admin pemilik MILQ tersebut.

Memang sangat hebat GrenXParta, mempunyai kemampuan sangat hebat dalam dunia security,
Sudah banyak website serta database yang berhasil mereka bongkar,

Status dari akun GrenXParta beberapa saat setelah berhasil menggores nya.



CEO & Founder site Milq is Owned By Me.

Payah sama CEO nya. masa Account Login password sitenya sma dengan account login facebook. klw saya mau jahat bisa aja saya acak2 fb nya. cuman saya bukan ‪#‎CRACKER‬.
Cuman Memberitahu saja klw site anda tidak aman tuh. coba segera diperbaiki dan ditutup bugnya. takut ada hacker yang masuk. saya masuk cuman hanya pengen tahu bagaiman tampilan admin dashboard anda kok. dan anda juga pernah menantang saya untuk coba membobol site anda eh ternyata ‪#‎VULN‬ deh. ‪#‎MIRISSSSS‬
jadi saran saya jangan pernah meremehkan kemampuan saya. jujur saya gk pandai coding dan saya juga bukan programmer. saya hanya viewer dumay aja kok. saya bukan cracker atau carding. saya juga bukan pencuri, saya hanya test security site anda kok, apakah site anda sudah aman dari tangan orang jahil atau hacker
Saya Adalah GrenXPaRTa. Maaf ya admin, sekali lagi aku minta maaf. keamanan website anda masih sangat lemah.

Sekian dan Terima kasih.


Tembusan :
1. Show OFF Zone [ Bekasi X Code Feat White Hat Attacker Team ]
2. Bekasi Hacker Team.
3. Official Defacer Tersakiti Team
4. Team Sec7or [OFFICIAL]
5. Indonesia RedHat Cyber.
6. Secret Code Army [Official Group]
7. F2 Security Publik
9. Indonesia Corporation Cyber (Family)
10. Indonesia Cyber Crash (Re Born)
11. Cirebon Cyber Crime
12. Dark Defence Cyber Team
13. Java Intelegent Cyber Team [ Publik ]
14. Cirebon Cyber Crime (Recovery)
15. Team ID

Atas kejadian itu, pihak dari MILQ pun merespon nya.

Dear GrenXPaRTa,
We are writing to let you know about an unauthorized intrusion of a Milq database. We have determined that the intruder obtained Milq member user names, email addresses and, in some cases, hashed versions of passwords (i.e. a string of numbers or letters associated with the password). Some of the information stolen by the intruder has been posted online.
Your user name, email address and hashed password are part of the data that was obtained and posted online. We are very sorry about this. Even though we only stored a hash of your password, the intruder or other individuals may be able to determine your original password. If you use your Milq password for any other sites or purposes, you should change those passwords immediately.
Upon becoming aware of the intrusion, we immediately took Milq and all of its servers offline. We investigated this matter thoroughly, and we are working to relaunch Milq with enhanced security. As a precautionary measure, we will require all registered Milq users with passwords to set a new password for their Milq profile the next time they arrive at the site or app.
The entire team at Milq has worked very hard to make Milq a positive, inspiring place for people to share and discover the best of culture through each other. At the core of this will always be you, our amazing community, and the privacy and security of your information is a top priority.
We strongly encourage you to take steps to protect your personal information. Use strong passwords, and consider creating unique passwords for each of your online accounts. You should also change your passwords frequently. Be alert to any requests for personal information, and always verify the identity of the requester.
We deeply regret that this incident occurred. Please reach out to us with any questions.
Don, Jordan and Tomi

Mungkin sekian yang bisa dikabarkan,semoga bermanfaat.!!!

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